How Menu Design Works

How to make a restaurant menu

menu design food list

1. Add your foods Just one time

Enter your foods and drinks into the food list. Once in the list they’re always accessible – don’t waste time retyping your whole menu for each new menu.

Then add any number of menu headings for each menu you create such as ‘Appetizers’, ‘Today's Specials’ or subheadings like ‘served with a salad’.

menu design drag and drop

2. Drag & drop Leave the hard part to us

Drag your items from the food list to the menu. Once they hit the menu, iMenuPro automatically formats them with graphical precision, resulting in a beautifully designed menu with minimal effort.

At any time, drag items around on the menu to reorder them. Or simply remove them.

menu design menu style

3. Pick a design With a click

Choose a Menu Style and watch your entire design change – no design skills needed, no retyping required. Quickly preview other styles by clicking the style buttons.

Mix and match design elements like backgrounds, borders, accents and fonts on any style. The only limit is your imagination.

menu design artisan images

4. Get inspired And make it yours

Make your menu unique by branding it with your own logos, photos, and artwork or tap our 3,000+ Artisan Image collection for just the right flourish.

Add boxes, accents, or icon highlights to draw attention to high-profit dishes you want to sell the most.

menu design pdf menu

5. Download your printable menu And voila!

Create a pro-quality PDF in seconds, for in-house printing or emailing out. Plus, sync your changes to your website menu, social media blasts and touchless QR menus. Simultaneously – like magic.

When food costs or operating circumstances change, you can now react instantly with updated menus and pricing – a must in today’s changing environment.